So I decided that its time I updated everyone on our life. A lot has happened in the 2 years it's been since our last post. We're back to the States and we've been living with Shaun's parents trying to save enough money to buy a house of our own. And the biggest change of all is our sweet little Landon! He'll be 2 in October!!
Last July Shaun became the youth pastor at our church, Five Forks BIC. He absolutely loves his job. He frequently comments, "Can you believe that I get paid to do this?" It keeps him busy and he's still learning the ins and outs of pastoring such a large youth group (about 120 7-12 graders!) but he's having a great time learning.
I have the pleasure of staying home with Landon everyday. It's such a blessing seeing him changing a learning everyday. As any parent of a toddler knows, he keeps me busy all day and I often end the day thinking, "Did I accomplish anything today?" I decided to try my hand at gardening this year. We planted broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupe, zucchini and yellow squash. Everything was doing really well until the groundhogs decided to snack on my broccoli and squash plants!!
For the past 2 weeks Shaun and I have been super busy and it will be nice to actually see each other for more than an hour a day next week. Each year the youth in our area participate in a week long service project called the Chambersburg Project. They stay at a local school all week and during the day they go to houses around the area and fix them for the owners. Each of the families receiving help are either disabled or low income. Shaun spent everyday out working with the kids and then he was there for the evening program.
I'm directing VBS again this year and the last night was last night. We had about 210 children come out each night (sun-thurs) and about 90 adult volunteers! Our theme was Big Apple Adventure and we had an awesome time!
This coming Thursday we leave for a much needed vacation!! We're going camping at Friendship Village in Bedford, PA. It will be great to spend a few days away with no commitments!
I'll end this post with a more recent pic of our little family :)