Saturday, September 20, 2008

Judit, Me, Erica, Jacki
Chad attacking Shaun during Ultimate Frisbee
HDC olympics -- Shaun won Gold in this race!!
Round robin ping-pong -- I won the Silver!!
We won team Gold!!! GO TEAM HONDURAS!

Well, a lot has happened since we last updated. We met our team members, competed in the HDC olympics, participated in the Amazing Race, Harrisburg Edition, Walked around downtown looking like freaks trying to hide from our team members. All in all it's been a great week. I'll try to post some pics but our computers here are really slow and so I'm not sure how many I'll actually post!

We're learning so much about leadership and cultural sensitivity. We're also getting to know our teammates which has been pretty fun so far. There are 4 of us. Shaun, me, Leo, and Gina. Gina is from Mechanicsburg and Leo is from the Bronx. We're all pretty exhausted because they keep us really busy here. Feel free to comment and ask questions on the blog so I know what you all want to hear about.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Well, we have finally arrived in Harrisburg and we are beginning to learn our way around the city. We have a "room" that includes a small living area, a VERY small bathroom, and a bedroom; but it is starting to feel like home! At this point there are only about 15 of us at the training center, about 6 staff members and the rest of us are team leaders for missions trips going all over the world. The rest of our team members arrive this Sunday (September 14th).

Most of our sessions thus far have centered around team leadership training and exploring characteristics of a good leader. They have been very informative for both of us. Most of our time is spent in or at the training facility, which is fenced in and locked up at night. However, we have not had any "disturbances" thus far and we are starting to feel comfortable in this new setting. On Wednesday, a few of us took a run around the city. We ran down to the Susquehanna River and then to the Capitol building. The streets of Harrisburg are a little different than the streets of Mont Alto!

Yesterday, seven of us jumped in a minivan and ventured out to find Wal-Mart. It was nice to leave the facility for a while. We got some snackfood, laundry detergent and flower pots to make our room feel a little more "homey". Needless to say we are having a blast and we'll keep you posted on future adventures as they come!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Well, we leave tomorrow for Harrisburg. I just wanted to post some of the pics from TN.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Getting ready

Well, we're packing up all of our things for Harrisburg where we'll be living for the next 3 months starting this Sun. It's crazy to think that its here already. We can remember last year when we were still talking about doing this and trying to figure out how we were going to raise all of our support money. Well, now it's all raised, we're moved out of our house and we're all packed and ready to start our trip.

We had a great time in TN visiting with Hylton, Kara, Hayden, Nick and Elana. Hopefully later today I'll have a chance to upload some photos from the trip.